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VersaPNT All-in-one Positioning, Navigation and Timing Device

VersaPNT is the first all-in-one Resilient Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) solution that delivers accurate, software-configurable position, navigation, altitude, time, and frequency signals under any circumstances. Now with M-Code!
– Ground
– Airborne
– Marine/Naval
– FlexFusion™ sensor fusion engine
– BroadShield embedded jamming and
spoofing Detection
– PNT Reference Receiver
– Alternative Navigation
– Internal Timing Oscillators
– Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
– Hemispherical resonator gyro (HRG)
technology (future support)
A navigation system, master clock and network time server for mobile applications in harsh environmental conditions.

Continuous PNT Any Time, Any Place
Know where you are and where you're going, no matter the platform. VersaPNT provides PNT assurance in a flexible, configurable, and scalable device that allows
your system to function in disrupted GNSS environments. VersaPNT minimizes size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C) by combining PNT functions normally achieved through multiple independent subsystems, and it is ready for integration into myriad ground, air, and maritime platforms.