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Navigation Warfare (NAVWAR), a subset of Electronic Warfare, is gaining momentum as global conflict wages on. Effective NAVWAR operations demand tools that empower you to confidently assure or deny access to positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) data in challenging conditions.

Test PNT systems against threats, identify vulnerabilities, and iterate.

Electronic Warfare and NAVWAR: Know the Difference
There are many forms of electronic warfare in today's modern battlefield. One of the more common arenas is within the Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) realm - or what our industry refers to as NAVWAR (Navigation Warfare). With expertise that goes back 30+ years, this is where Safran Federal Systems thrives.
Protecting the U.S. Military from GPS Jamming and Spoofing
GPS has transformed the battlefield in majorly benficial ways, however, jamming and spoofing have become a major threat. As threats evolve, so must our defenses. Watch this video to learn how to combat these threats and increase system resiliency from all different angles.