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C5ISR/EW Modular Open Suite of Standards

What is CMOSS?  •  Why CMOSS?  •  How is CMOSS being implemented?  •  CMOSS Architecture

What is CMOSS?

CMOSS is a suite of standards that support the reduction of the size, weight, and power of C5ISR and EW systems while increasing their flexibility and adaptability by enabling the sharing of hardware and software components.


These standards have been defined to help integrators move the implementation of C5ISR capabilities away from the use of costly and complex separate “boxes” on individual platforms.


CMOSS is being included in and managed under the Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) initiative with U.S. Military participation.

CMOSS = The C5ISR/EW Modular Open Suite of Standards


C5ISR = Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance


EW = Electronic Warfare

Safran Federal Systems is a proud member of the
Sensor Open Systems Architecture™ (SOSA) Consortium.

At the core, C5ISR/EW systems use many of the same technologies, but they are not always compatible between systems. CMOSS seeks to create a common architecture that these technologies can integrate into, providing many benefits.

Reduces integration costs and risks

Mitigates Obsolescence

Facilitates interoperability and reuse

Accelerates fielding and deliveries

How is CMOSS Being Implemented?

•  Universal A-Kit – Project Managers field capabilities as cards into a common chassis


•  Pooled radio resources such as antennas and amplifiers for Communications, 

    Electronic Warfare (EW), and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) system


•  Shared processing resources such as computers and displays


•  Shared data services such as Position, Navigation, and Time (PNT)


•  Foundation for enhanced interoperability and simultaneity between C5ISR systems


•  Reduced life cycle cost through increased competition, smaller logistics tails with

    common sparing, and upgrading to the latest hardware as parts are replaced


•  Rapid insertion of new technology/capability

How is CMOSS Being Implemented?
CMOSS Architecture
Software Layer

•  Enables portability of software applications across hardware platforms

•  Software framework selected based on mission area

Functional Decomposition

•  Allows for sharing of RF resources such as antennas and amplifiers

•  Defines interfaces between RF functions and components

•  Enables best of breed along with rapid component upgrades

Hardware Layer

•  Enables capabilities to be fielded as cards in a common chassis

•  Common form factor including physical, electrical, and environmental specs

Network Layer

•  Provides connectivity within platform, defines interfaces between capabilities

•  Enables legacy systems to share services within the converged architecture

CMOSS Architecture
U.S. Army Selects Orolia Defense & Security as a Top-5 Winner in XTech CMOSS PNT Plugfest Competition

Recognized for its outstanding technology achievements and the potential for impact to the United States Army and Department of Defense, Orolia Defense & Security was selected as a finalist during the 2021 xTech Plugfest competition.

Resilient Position, Navigation, and Timing in a Single Card
Addressing Assured PNT needs through Open Standards - web promo.png


Addressing Assured PNT Needs through Open Standards

This white paper guides engineering staff, integrators, and decision makers in recognizing the need for assured PNT in modernized systems. The benefits of assured PNT can be realized and addressed through the adoption of open standards.

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