Orolia Offers the First Software-Defined GNSS Simulator with MNSA, Successfully Delivers First Round of Shipments

ROCHESTER, NY, September 29, 2020
Orolia Defense & Security has been granted security approval by SMC Production Corps. for BroadSim MNSA (Modernized Navstar Security Algorithm). BroadSim is the only software-defined GNSS simulator on the market to receive such approval, marking an industry first.
Additionally, Orolia delivered their first batch of MNSA M-Code to multiple customers in late August. BroadSim MNSA joins P(Y)-Code and AES M-Code as another GPS encrypted signal that Orolia Defense & Security supports and is shipping today.
MNSA M-Code is being rolled out as a required standard across many defense platforms. Engineers and system integrators must consider this in their testing cycles. Orolia has streamlined previously tedious processes and are available with expert support to guide them every step of the way.
Tyler Hohman, Director of Products, commented, “Thought, skill, and patience went into developing this solution. Not only have we taken an innovative approach to ensuring the security of this technology, our implementation was designed with ease of use being top-of-mind – from procurement, to delivery, to installation, to testing – so our customers can spend more time supporting their mission and less time making their simulator work.”
BroadSim is a proven and trusted solution among government, DoD and military customers with over 100 systems fielded. BroadSim was recently selected by the US military to support diverse testing of military GPS receivers.
Compared to traditional FPGA-based simulators, software-defined solutions such as BroadSim, powered by the advanced Skydel Simulation Engine, are inherently more flexible, scalable and cost-effective. BroadSim MNSA users receive a step-by-step guide allowing them to effortlessly set-up and generate MNSA in minutes and quickly downgrade the system on a moment’s notice.
This capability is available today as a software upgrade to current BroadSim users or as a purchase alongside Orolia’s BroadSim hardware platform. For more information, contact us at sales@OroliaDS.com.
About Orolia Defense & Security
Orolia Defense & Security provides Resilient PNT solutions to U.S. Government agencies, defense organizations, and their contractors. Orolia Defense & Security is authorized to work on U.S. Government classified and unclassified projects, in addition to supporting strategic partnerships for key defense PNT technologies. www.OroliaDS.com
Orolia Defense & Security operates as a proxy-regulated company and wholly owned subsidiary of Orolia, the world leader in Resilient PNT solutions. www.Orolia.com
Rachael Smith